

Esta mañana la nube acaricia la cabecita del sol.


Este álbum sólo puede ser eliminado por el usuario que lo subió: Conchi.Gª

Este comentario sólo puede ser eliminado por el usuario que subió el álbum: Conchi.Gª


Total de álbumes de Málaga 6712

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    Paseo Marítimo de Marbella

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    Conchi - are you staying in bed? I miss your spectacular views! In Scotland we have had beautiful winter sun for 5 days, it is so nice to see 'our' dawn! Enjoy your 28th! Best wishes!
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    I'am not in bed, I have been during this long weekend in your country. It has been very very cold. Anyway I'm afraid there will be no more photos, days are getting longer, the sun begins to rise before I get to my school. Bye, meet again next autumn. Thanks from Andalucia.
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    Best wishes to you and your children and enjoy your summer!

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